Westmount Elementary

Holiday Concert December 14, 2022

Holiday Concert

Preparations are underway for an in-person concert on Wednesday, December 14, 2022! The performance will be based on the book, Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright. All students in Grades P-3 will be performing, along with choir and students selected for some additional roles. There will be a concert at a later date for band, cello, violin and Grades 4-6.

On December 14, there will be a 1:00 dress rehearsal and a 6:30 pm performance. For the evening performance, we ask that students arrive by 6:15. Doors open at 6:00. We are using an online seat booking system for the evening performance. Families who are attending are asked to book their seats online. Please note, there is a limit of 3 seats per family due to seating capacity.  Booking is to ensure we do not exceed fire safety regulations. The online booking site is https://www.schoolinterviews.ca/code/wmxms

We are auctioning off front row seats! Information about this fundraiser is attached and will be sent home in printed form. Money raised will be used to cover concert costs (i.e. audiovisual equipment and any other expenses). Any remaining money will be used for activities leading up to the holiday break.

We look forward to sharing this event with our school community!