Seeking Provincial School Lunch Providers!
Thursday June 13th at 9:46 am
Calling all food service providers, restaurants, and commercial kitchens… we need you to help us feed more than 30,000 kids every day!
HRCE is looking for experienced and qualified food vendors to help us serve students nutritious (and delicious!) lunches starting this fall.
Two Requests for Proposals (RFP) are now available here.
They are:
- #4244 RFP – Provincial School Lunch Program – Off Site Meal Preparation
- #4247 RFP – Provincial School Lunch Program – On Site Contracted Catering
These RFPs close on July 2, 2024.
We are excited to offer this opportunity to all food service vendors including local businesses in our school communities.
Please help us share this far and wide - full bellies fuel minds!