Progress Conferences

Progress Conferences (Parent-Teacher/Guardian Meetings)  

Emailed to families Monday, November 25

Progress Conferences (Parent-Teacher/Guardian Meetings) will be held on Thursday, December 5 in the afternoon and early evening. These will be in-person meetings. These meetings are one way to communicate between home and school. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher at any time to discuss your child’s progress.

We will use an online system for families to book meeting times. You can use the link below to select a meeting time with the teacher(s). Once you are on the site, it will prompt you to put in some information before selecting your classroom teacher and booking your meeting times. 

You can book with classroom teachers, and any specialists you may want to meet with. Circuit Teachers: Mme. Nagle (Core French Grades 4-6) and Mrs. MacKenzie (one of our Resource teachers) will be available in the afternoon only. Mrs. Hollebone (Resource teacher) and Noor Humadi (EAL) will be available in the evening only. 

Here is the link to use for booking your meeting time:

Please note that students will not have school on December 5th, as the morning will be used for staff professional learning and the afternoon/evening for Progress Conferences with families.